Monday 21 November 2011

Evaluation of the D and AD brief.

Today, we had to come up with a concept for Internet Explorer to get people aged 18 to 25 to explore the internet more.
I have learnt that it is important to go through many stages in creating concepts and that you need to ome up with many ideas before you choose the one you're going with.
We done this activity to help us come up with ideas. That ability will come in handy in the future when I need to come up with several ideas for another project.
My work seemed like a good idea until it didn't really fit the design brief very well. It was a music player where you can share your music with people around the world to find new artists and songs, a good idea at first but it had to help people search different websites, not different artists.
The ideas had to fit a relation between the virtual world and the real world in a smooth and natural way. Mine didn't really fit the real life end apart from up coming artists can get publicity through this.

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